Commodity Channel Index (CCI)

Modified on 2017/02/03 15:47 by Rob Rrickson (CTS) — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Identifies cyclical turns in commodities by determining overbought and oversold conditions. CCI values greater than 100 are considered overbought while values less than -100 are considered oversold. Crossovers of +/-100 are generally considered to be buy or sell signals. For a brief overview of signal interpretation, please see this post.


(CCI) Properties

To pull up the study property you can either right click in the chart and select properties from the menu or click the Chart Properties button

Simply Left click on the Value column to configure CCI properties. Configurable values that influence the calculation are Bar Interval and Periods. Bar Interval defines the size or timeframe that each bar represents, while periods defines how many bars are included in the CCI calculation.


TIP: To add a multiples of the same study simply go to the add studies page select the study again then go to properties to configure each individual study.

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